Your Favorite Nursery and Kid’s Products From Sept. and Oct.

Your Favorite Nursery and Kid’s Products From Sept. and Oct.

We are quickly moving into the holiday season and surely I’m not the only one who thinks this year flew by! This week, I’m pausing the slew of nursery design reveals we have been posting lately (which are so fun for me to finally get to share btw!)....
My Favorite Nursery & Kids Decor from Anthropologie

My Favorite Nursery & Kids Decor from Anthropologie

Are you obsessed with everything from Anthropologie like I am?? As long as I can remember, it’s been one of my favorite places to shop and wander around. You might think they really only sell clothing and some decor, but they actually have a ton of items that...
Beautiful Books for the Nursery That Will Stand Out

Beautiful Books for the Nursery That Will Stand Out

Even if the weather report still says it’s summer, on this first day of fall, a post about books feels right! I love books and I absolutely love using pretty picture books that double as decor when I design nurseries and kid’s rooms. Selecting a few books with...
Your Favorite Nursery and Kid’s Products From July and August

Your Favorite Nursery and Kid’s Products From July and August

These posts have become a fun tradition! I’ve been trying to do more website analysis and such to get a better understanding of what my audience is liking best. It’s so fun for me to see what products have struck a chord with my audience in the recent...
My Favorite Bookends for the Nursery or Kid’s Room

My Favorite Bookends for the Nursery or Kid’s Room

If you follow me on instagram you might have seen that I mentioned a nursery bookends roundup was around the corner. Well, it’s finally here and I’m pretty excited about these adorable and stylish bookends. Bookends might not be the first thing you think...
Small Picture Frames for the Nursery or Kid’s Room

Small Picture Frames for the Nursery or Kid’s Room

One of the best parts of nursery and kid’s design (or any design really) is adding those final little touches. This is something I do for every design—down to the small plants, decorative toys and picture frames. Adding in these details can really pull a room...
Your Favorite Nursery and Kid’s Products From May and June

Your Favorite Nursery and Kid’s Products From May and June

A couple of months back I did a little behind-the-scenes post about the products that have been popular with readers. Whenever I dig into the website analytics, there is ALWAYS something that surprises me. This light wood side table had more clicks on it than anything...
Real Potted Plants for the Nursery or Kid’s Room

Real Potted Plants for the Nursery or Kid’s Room

I am a HUGE fan of plants. I have them all over my home, and try to include at least one in every nursery or kid’s room that I design. There’s just something about that fresh greenery that brings life to a room (plus, plants help to clean the air!) That...
My Favorite Butterfly Decor for the Nursery

My Favorite Butterfly Decor for the Nursery

This year has been the year of butterflies! I have had so many clients asking for a butterfly theme nursery, or wanting to add butterfly decor into their room. A butterfly nursery theme is a fun way to add playfulness without necessarily having to commit to bold...
My Favorite Removable Wallpaper for Nursery & Kids

My Favorite Removable Wallpaper for Nursery & Kids

I just adore wallpaper! It is one of the most impactful design decisions you can make for a room. Wallpaper lets you completely change the mood of a space whether it’s a subtle pattern or a dramatic design. Sometimes wall treatments can feel scary, like a giant...
Your Favorite Nursery & Kids Products from March

Your Favorite Nursery & Kids Products from March

I think it’s about time we talk your favorite products! If you have been following Little Crown Interiors for a while, you know we share my favorite nursery furniture and decor both here and on Instagram. I share my favorite sources for cribs, dressers, artwork,...
The LCI Mother’s Day Gift Guide for 2021

The LCI Mother’s Day Gift Guide for 2021

It feels like this year is flying by and I can’t believe that Mother’s Day is just around the corner! Commercial holiday or not, moms deserve a day dedicated to shower them with appreciation and love. A day full of uninterrupted naps and meals, no laundry, no sibling...
My Favorite Rattan Furniture and Decor for the Nursery

My Favorite Rattan Furniture and Decor for the Nursery

Let’s talk rattan! Rattan has been around for a while, but in recent years it has really increased in popularity. The beauty of this current rise in popularity is that the creativity and selection available grows abundantly. There are so many styles to choose from,...
My Favorite Neutral Rugs for the Nursery

My Favorite Neutral Rugs for the Nursery

Whether you choose a nursery rug as the first piece of the puzzle or the last element to tie the space together, there is no doubt that this selection will be crucial to your nursery design. Although there are tons of bold and fun rug styles out there, sometimes...
Neutral Chandeliers for the Nursery: Part 2

Neutral Chandeliers for the Nursery: Part 2

Lighting is one of the most important elements to consider when building a nursery design. It is no wonder why my Neutral Nursery Chandelier Post was one of my most popular! There are a ton of great options out there which is why making this decision can be super...
Our Favorite Side Tables for the Nursery

Our Favorite Side Tables for the Nursery

Let’s talk tables! A side table is one piece in the nursery that is so often overlooked. It’s such an important piece! The side table is usually paired with a glider for setting a bottle, stacking a few books, a phone or perhaps a small lamp for reading...

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