Sophisticated Butterfly Decor for the Nursery for Kid’s Room

Sophisticated Butterfly Decor for the Nursery for Kid’s Room

I was recently working on a nursery design for a client, and we did a little work in her toddler-aged daughter’s room as well. Her daughter loved butterflies, but we didn’t want to overwhelm the space with too much. I opted for some simple and very...
How to Get Rid of that Toxic New Furniture Smell

How to Get Rid of that Toxic New Furniture Smell

A while ago, I received a new rug that I had ordered for my home. When I unpacked it in the room, the chemical odor was overpowering. Luckily, the rug wasn’t for a kid’s room, but it easily could have been. Unfortunately, this is an issue that occurs so often when...
My Top Posts & Favorite Nursery Trends of the Year

My Top Posts & Favorite Nursery Trends of the Year

2018 has been quite the year for me, both personally and professionally. It has brought with it lots of new experiences, challenges and changes. I’ve definitely shared more of myself with you in 2018 than ever before (mostly on Instagram, and mostly because my...
How to Use Wall Murals in the Nursery or Kid’s Room

How to Use Wall Murals in the Nursery or Kid’s Room

In case you haven’t heard, wall murals are slowly becoming a popular choice instead of traditional style wallpaper. What’s the difference? Wall murals are an overall design meant to cover an entire wall, rather than the repeating patterns of wallpaper. I love wall...

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